Dramatic footage of a massive oil vessel exploding and sinking off the coast of Nigeria.


According to reports from Nigeria, a massive oil production ship with a storage capacity of up to 2 million barrels of oil exploded off the country’s coast.

The Trinity Spirit exploded at the Ukpokiti oil field on Thursday morning, according to local reports, including those from the US-based Sahara Reporters.

The field is off the coast of Nigeria, near the Escravos terminal and the Niger Delta.

The vessel is on fire, with huge billows of smoke rising into the air, according to dramatic footage shared on social media.

It becomes clear that the ship is sinking at some point. According to some local media portals, ten people have died. There hasn’t been any official statement yet by any government institution.

According to the UK-based EOS Risk Group, the TRINITY SPIRIT was built in 1976. It comes with a 274,774 Dead Weight & a length of 337.05m and a weight of 54.5m.

Different people are expressing varied concerns over the issue with one of the strong voices being that of environmentalists who fear that Nigeria faces a huge crisis with the accident and its immediate and medium to long term aftermath.

Watch the viral video of the incident as shared on Twitter