PNC advocates for the establishment of a stipend for single mothers.


The People’s National Convention (PNC) is proposing the implementation of a government program to assist single mothers financially.

The party wants the Executive and Parliament to pass legislation requiring the payment of the aforementioned allowance as soon as possible.

“It is our call to the executive and legislative branches of government to follow best practices elsewhere and enact legislation to provide some form of allowance to these single mothers.”

This was stated in a press release issued by the PNC to commemorate this year’s Mother’s Day celebration on Sunday, May 8, 2022.

The PNC, while celebrating the achievements of some of the country’s women on the occasion expressed concern about “the increasing rate of single parenting in recent times especially mothers who are singlehandedly caring for their children whereas the fathers are absent”.

It is thus calling for financial support for single mothers asking government to enforce laws against fathers who shirk their parental responsibilities.

Find below the full statement

The PNC joins mothers across the world to celebrate today, 8th May as this years Mothers’ Day.
We extend our glad tidings to great Mothers who have contributed and are still contributing immensely to the development of this country.

We celebrate the 1st and 2nd ladies of our dear nation, Mrs Rebecca Akuffo Addo and Mrs Samira Bawumia together with the former occupants of these prestigious status.

Others are the Honourable Mrs. Frema Opare for her motherly role as Chief of Staff, Her Excellency Mrs. Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings, Professor Mrs. Ama Ata Aidoo, Hon. Dr. Ms. Joyce Aryee, and Her Lordship Mrs. Georgina Wood.

The President of the Market Women Association Madam Mercy Naa Afrowa Needham, President of the NABH Madam Joyce Lamptey, President of the GNTDA.

Mrs. Joana Eshun Mensah and President of Abantu for Development Dr. Mrs. Kutin, these are but few amongst the many many women who are our mothers and we cannot mention all their names, so we say Ayeekooo to you all.

The PNC is concerned with the increasing rate of single parenting in recent times especially mothers who are single handedly caring for their children whereas the fathers are absent. These mothers work themselves out in order to fend for themselves and their children.

It is our call to the executive arms of the government and the legislature to emulate best practices elsewhere and enact laws to provide some form of allowances to these single mothers.

Again, it is our call to the government to institute a scheme via institutions such as the MASLOC, NEIP amongst others to offer special financial services to single mothers who are engaged in any form of enterprises.

This support can be in a form of a loan facility with a very low interest rate; a rate far below the market rate.

For the absentee fathers, we call for review of existing laws to ensure that fathers who avoid taken responsibilities of their children are severely punished to serve as deterrent to others.

The sad reality is that most of the women who pursue these fathers by themselves like going to DOVVSU,

Legal Aid, the Juvenal courts, social welfare etc end up abandoning the course because the bureaucracy is too much for them.

The funds used by single mothers to chase these irresponsible partners to own up to their responsibilities are often unbearable.

Should these concerns be addressed, women especially the struggling single mothers in the country will earn a sustainable source of livelihood and also take good care of their children who will grow up to become useful assets to the country rather than liabilities to society.

We assure mothers that a future PNC government will prioritize their well-being and ensure the above are implemented to the letter.

Let us as a country wish the Mothers in Ghana a Happy Mothers Day by formulating policies that will show that we care about our Mothers because a financially capable mother produces a better economy for us all.
PNC: Service with Honesty

Janet Asana Nabla
General Secretary