Let us love one another as commanded by God-Rev. Darkpo


The Reverend Vincent Darkpo, Chairman of Kadjebi District Local Council of Churches, has called on Ghanaians to love one another as commanded by God.

He said God is love and that those who do not love others do not know God; adding, people should show agape love, but not mere love.

The Council of Churches’ Chairman said people disobey God’s commandments when they fail to love one another.

Rev. Darkpo, who is also the Pastor of the Kadjebi Branch of the Deeper Life Bible Church, made the statement during a Fathers’ Day Church service at Kadjebi in the Oti Region.

Reading from I John 4:7, he said “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.”

He also entreated mankind to repent from their sins to be saved as without repentance, there would be no salvation, adding that “salvation is everlasting life.”

He admonished Christians to avoid vices such as adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness” so they could inherit the kingdom of God.

He also asked the believers to keep faith with God as “faith is important and indispensable.”