Christian Council supports call for justice for Akua Denteh


The Christian Council of Ghana (CCG) has expressed its support for justice for Madam Akua Denteh, the 90 year old woman murdered for being accused as a witch.

The Council expressed concern about the practice of labelling poor old women and young girls from poor families as witches.

“We therefore caution persons who in the name of spirituality and deliverance label people as witches to desist from such acts, as they have negative effects on the victims and community as a whole,” the Council said in a release signed and copied to the Ghana News Agency in Accra by the Secretary General Reverend Dr. Cyril G. K. Fayose.

Referring to the recent unsolved murder of a 90-year old Madam Akua Denteh in Kafaba in the Savannah Region, the Council said it was very much saddened by that act.

The Council, has therefore, condemned the act in no uncertain terms, and called on the security agencies to swiftly investigate the matter and ensure that both those who were directly involved, and those who aided the act, faced the full rigours of the law.

“The gruesome act is an affront to human dignity and the only way to ensure justice for Madam Denteh is to bring all the culprits to book.
We pray and hope that no blood will be shed in the future in such barbaric manner. All lives in Ghana matter and we need everybody to build our nation”.

The release said the only way to end such inhumane practice was to punish perpetrators to serve as deterrent to others.

“The Council wants to state emphatically that such labels and public disgrace of women and girls are against their rights and dignity as persons created in the image and likeness of God.

“We, the leadership of the CCG urge all Ghanaians to report persons known to be involved in such cruel acts to the police for swift actions to be taken.

“We pledge our prayer support to the family of Madam Denteh and express our deepest condolence to them,” the release.