Victory Bible Church International ordains 110 clergymen and women


The Victory Bible Church International (VBCI) in the Central Region has ordained 110 Reverend Ministers, Elders, Pastors, Deacons, and Deaconesses to support the religious mission of the church.

The ordinands comprised of nine Reverend Ministers, 23 Elders, 39 Pastors and 39 Deacons and Deaconesses from the nine branches of the Cape Coast Province.

Mrs Alice Tettey, the Central Regional Manager of the Ghana News Agency (GNA), was ordained a pastor at the special ordination service held at the church’s Cape Coast Family Sanctuary, which coincided with the Sanctuary’s 36th anniversary.

By virtue of their ordination, the Reverend Ministers, in particular, have gained the authority to preach, perform holy matrimony, conduct baptism among others as the ordinands are deployed to promote the work of God in various sanctuaries.

Bishop Cornelius Adja Cofie, the Supervising Minister of VBCI, supported by Bishop Richard Ampadu Duku, the Provincial Superintendent of the Central and Western Province, and other members of the church’s clergy anointed and prayed for the ordinands.

Subsequently, the Reverend Ministers received certificates, Bibles, and anointing oil to support their work while the rest of the ordinands were given a certificate each.

Bishop Cofie who is also Head of Human Resource of VBCI, later led them to take an oath in which they pledged to live a life pleasing to God and the authority of the church, ensure their actions were not questionable, and work for the spiritual welfare of members.

Citing I Timothy 3:16, Bishop Cofie urged the newly ordained men and women of God to live lives that corresponded with their calling and ministry.

He implored them to be respectable in their endeavours and also avoid sinful behaviours such as alcoholism.

“No medicinal drinking; don’t go and drink Guinness and tell me it is blood tonic, no,” he cautioned.

He also encouraged them to avoid violence of every form, including beating their wives and husbands.

“Do not be quarrelsome and never be lovers of money. Do not be enticed by money to engage in evil activities,” he advised.

As men and women of God, Bishop Cofie said, they must guide their families to have excellent family values which were befitting of their calling.

“Your behaviour should be in agreement with your calling.

“You are going to hold the doctrine in sanctity and not one who is not sure of their salvation,” he stressed and further assured the ordinands of the support of the church as the performed their tasks.