No mortal can stop National Cathedral if is for the right reason

IMAGE COPYRIGHT/AFP/No mortal can stop National Cathedral if is for the right reason

Reverend Edward A. Randolph-Koranteng of the Harvest Chape has said that if the building of National Cathedral was inspired by God, no man or entity can stop it.
“If the National Cathedral is being built for the right reasons and is being inspired by God, then neither a mortal nor another entity can stop it from happening.”
Reverend Randolph-Koranteng in an interview with the Ghana News Agency, gave a Biblical trace in Genesis in the Bible of how the Babylonians constructed a powerful city and a tower “with its top in the skies” to establish their own reputation which incurred the wrath of God.
He explained that God kicked against their ill motivated vision and confused their language. and placed the responsibility to trust God to do his will in this critical national agendum.
The Reverend noted “however, it will be a fruitless endeavor if it is not from God and would also be completed regardless of protest or how long it takes to finish if the building is of God, despite whatever opposition it may face and any allegations of scandals that may be connected to it.”
Building a National Cathedral can be difficult, as is being experienced now in Ghana, and such difficulties are nothing new.
He cited how the construction of St. Peter’s in Rome, which is considered the pinnacle of the high Renaissance, was marked by both the splendor and scandal of the time as referred in the (pages. [281]-284) of BASILICA by R.A. Scotti).
The most revered monument in Europe, the 2,000-year-old St. Peter’s Basilica constructed by Emperor Constantine over the apostle’s tomb, was destroyed in 1506 so that a greater Basilica could be constructed by the fiercely ambitious Renaissance Pope Julius II.
For two centuries, 27 popes, and the creativity of the finest painters of their time; Michelangelo, Bramante, Raphael, and Bernin were expended on the building of the new St. Peter’s while, Modern Rome also rose, as glorious as the city of the Caesars, as the Basilica did.
He said the Protestant Reformation was sparked by the new Basilica, dividing the Christian world for all time, but at an inconceivable cost adding, “let’s stay calm…Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”