VR Training Platform Rezzil Adds Manchester City as the First Soccer Club Partner


Manchester City became the first soccer club to sign up with Rezzil, a virtual reality fitness and training platform. Users may now do virtual drills inside a digital reproduction of the club’s Etihad Stadium using Rezzil’s Player 22 app for Oculus headsets.

Players wearing an Oculus VR headset will be immersed on the pitch and will be required to move their bodies in order to accomplish drills such as kicking or heading a ball into goals and targets, as well as drills that test reaction time. Player 22, which costs $14.99 to download, also includes a new Manchester City Team Pack, which includes gloves, soccer balls, and other Man City-branded digital equipment that can be purchased in-game.

 Rezzil uses haptic feedback in an attempt to replicate the physical sensation of kicking a ball. Investors in Rezzil include soccer stars such as Thierry Henry, Gary Neville and Vincent Kompany, while the company is also a member of the NBA’s inaugural Launchpad accelerator program. Rezzil also offers VR training games for other sports such as football, basketball and tennis. 

 “The biggest problem it solves right now in youth soccer is not only training, but if you are under a certain age, you’re not allowed to head the ball in practice or in games,” Rezzil USA’s operations director Christian Barsanti told SportTechie in September. “A lot of time kids don’t know how to properly head the ball and the technique is wrong. Our system, you can practice heading in a non-impact way.”